An interdisciplinary team, spanning all career stages, has been assembled to enable the successful delivery of NAPIC.

Professor Anwesha Sarkar
Co-Director for PERFORM Pillar
Anwesha Sarkar is a full professor of Colloids and Surfaces at the University of Leeds and is the Project Leader for NAPIC and also the Co-Director for the PERFORM Pillar. Her work focuses on oral processing, taste and texture of alternative proteins. Her work includes development of biomimetic tongue-like surface to measure in-mouth friction, which is now being used by food, food ingredients and allied soft matter companies to measure the astringency, texture mouthfeel of alternative proteins. Current research also seeks to develop technologies such as microgelation, selective enzymatic hydrolysis, glycation to improve mouthfeel of alternative proteins.
Professor Derek Stewart
Co-Director for PRODUCE Pillar
Professor Stewart is Director of the Advanced Plant Growth Centre (APGC), a £30M Tay Cities deal regional development project hosted at the James Hutton Institute. For over 30 years Derek has worked at the industry-academia interface and has led multiple (inter)national multi-partner projects that, to date, total ~£300M. As director of the APGC he oversees the novel research, development and innovation centred on the development of pre- and post-harvest innovation, including controlled environment agriculture, crop storage etc. More recent Prof Stewart became a Co-Director of the National Alternative Protein Innovation Centre (NAPIC) with responsibility for the Produce (feedstocks) pillar.
Professor Louise Dye
Co-Director for PEOPLE Pillar
Professor Louise Dye is a Chartered Health Psychologist and Co-Director of the Institute for Sustainable Food at the University of Sheffield. Her research examines effects of nutrition on cognitive function, health and wellbeing and how to encourage and sustain dietary behaviour change at individual, organisational and societal levels. She has expertise in the design of both lab based experimental studies and free living interventions. Her work on breakfast and cognition highlights the importance of diet in children and food insecurity. Louise is Co-Director of the SFI/DAERA/UKRI funded Co-Centre for Sustainable Food Systems and leads a work package on increasing dietary fibre intake in low-income consumers in the UKRI funded H3 project. She is a Co-Director of the National Alternative Protein Innovation Knowledge Centre (NAPIC).
Professor Karen Polizzi
Co-Director for PROCESS Pillar
Karen Polizzi is a Professor of Biotechnology in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London. She is co-Director for the PROCESS Pillar. Her group applies synthetic biology tools to the development of upstream bioprocessing including strain engineering and the development of new analytical technologies. Karen has expertise in precision fermentation and cultivated meat. She is also Vice Director of the Bezos Center for Sustainable Protein and the Engineering Biology Microbial Food Hub.
Financial Sustainability:
Professor Tuck Seng Wong,
University of Sheffield
Ramin Ebrahimnejad,
James Hutton Institute
Science Management Board:
Professor Kieran Tuohy,
University of Leeds
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion:
Dr Francesa Ceroni,
Imperial College London
International Scientific Engagement (ISEB):
Dr Alan Hernandez Alvarez,
University of Leeds
Future Leaders Champion:
Dr Raul Huertas,
James Hutton Institute
Professor Jerry Y Y Heng,
Imperial College London
Sustainable Research:
Dr Maria Papathanasiou,
Imperial College London
Dr Frances Sandison,
James Hutton Institue
Industrial Advisory Board:
Professor Nik Watson,
University of Leeds
Professor Jason Hallet,
Imperial College London
Policy Task Force:
Professor Nik Watson,
University of Leeds
Equality, diversity and inclusion are integral to NAPIC’s vision and mission. Including and valuing a broader range of people and talent will help us achieve the extraordinary potential of research and innovation to improve lives, promote economic growth, and support a knowledge economy that benefits everyone.
If you are interested in becoming a NAPIC partner or have another query, please use the enquiry form to contact us.
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